Interface Collection

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Collection
extends Configurable

A Collection represents a collection of Resources stored within an XML database. An XML database MAY expose collections as a hierarchical set of parent and child collections.

A Collection provides access to the Resources stored by the Collection and to Service instances that can operate against the Collection and the Resources stored within it. The Service mechanism provides the ability to extend the functionality of a Collection in ways that allows optional functionality to be enabled for the Collection.

Method Summary
 void close()
          Releases all resources consumed by the Collection.
 java.lang.String createId()
          Creates a new unique ID within the context of the Collection
 Resource createResource(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String type)
          Creates a new empty Resource with the provided id.
 Collection getChildCollection(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a Collection instance for the requested child collection if it exists.
 int getChildCollectionCount()
          Returns the number of child collections under this Collection or 0 if no child collections exist.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name associated with the Collection instance.
 Collection getParentCollection()
          Returns the parent collection for this collection or null if no parent collection exists.
 Resource getResource(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieves a Resource from the database.
 int getResourceCount()
          Returns the number of resources currently stored in this collection or 0 if the collection is empty.
 Service getService(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String version)
          Returns a Service instance for the requested service name and version.
 Service[] getServices()
          Provides a list of all services known to the collection.
 boolean isOpen()
          Returns true if the Collection is open false otherwise.
 java.lang.String[] listChildCollections()
          Returns a list of collection names naming all child collections of the current collection.
 java.lang.String[] listResources()
          Returns a list of the ids for all resources stored in the collection.
 void removeResource(Resource res)
          Removes the Resource from the database.
 void storeResource(Resource res)
          Stores the provided resource into the database.
Methods inherited from interface org.xmldb.api.base.Configurable
getProperty, setProperty

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()
                         throws XMLDBException
Returns the name associated with the Collection instance.

the name of the object.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.


public Service[] getServices()
                      throws XMLDBException
Provides a list of all services known to the collection. If no services are known an empty list is returned.

An array of registered Service implementations.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public Service getService(java.lang.String name,
                          java.lang.String version)
                   throws XMLDBException
Returns a Service instance for the requested service name and version. If no Service exists for those parameters a null value is returned.

name - Description of Parameter
version - Description of Parameter
the Service instance or null if no Service could be found.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public Collection getParentCollection()
                               throws XMLDBException
Returns the parent collection for this collection or null if no parent collection exists.

the parent Collection instance.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public int getChildCollectionCount()
                            throws XMLDBException
Returns the number of child collections under this Collection or 0 if no child collections exist.

the number of child collections.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public java.lang.String[] listChildCollections()
                                        throws XMLDBException
Returns a list of collection names naming all child collections of the current collection. If no child collections exist an empty list is returned.

an array containing collection names for all child collections.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public Collection getChildCollection(java.lang.String name)
                              throws XMLDBException
Returns a Collection instance for the requested child collection if it exists.

name - the name of the child collection to retrieve.
the requested child collection or null if it couldn't be found.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public int getResourceCount()
                     throws XMLDBException
Returns the number of resources currently stored in this collection or 0 if the collection is empty.

the number of resource in the collection.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public java.lang.String[] listResources()
                                 throws XMLDBException
Returns a list of the ids for all resources stored in the collection.

a string array containing the names for all Resources in the collection.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public Resource createResource(java.lang.String id,
                               java.lang.String type)
                        throws XMLDBException
Creates a new empty Resource with the provided id. The type of Resource returned is determined by the type parameter. The XML:DB API currently defines "XMLResource" and "BinaryResource" as valid resource types. The id provided must be unique within the scope of the collection. If id is null or its value is empty then an id is generated by calling createId(). The Resource created is not stored to the database until storeResource() is called.

id - the unique id to associate with the created Resource.
type - the Resource type to create.
an empty Resource instance.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE if the type parameter is not a known Resource type. ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public void removeResource(Resource res)
                    throws XMLDBException
Removes the Resource from the database.

res - the resource to remove.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.INVALID_RESOURCE if the Resource is not valid.
ErrorCodes.NO_SUCH_RESOURCE if the Resource is not known to this Collection. ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public void storeResource(Resource res)
                   throws XMLDBException
Stores the provided resource into the database. If the resource does not already exist it will be created. If it does already exist it will be updated.

res - the resource to store in the database.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.INVALID_RESOURCE if the Resource is not valid. ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public Resource getResource(java.lang.String id)
                     throws XMLDBException
Retrieves a Resource from the database. If the Resource could not be located a null value will be returned.

id - the unique id for the requested resource.
The retrieved Resource instance.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public java.lang.String createId()
                          throws XMLDBException
Creates a new unique ID within the context of the Collection

the created id as a string.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.
ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED if the close method has been called on the Collection


public boolean isOpen()
               throws XMLDBException
Returns true if the Collection is open false otherwise. Calling the close method on Collection will result in isOpen returning false. It is not safe to use Collection instances that have been closed.

true if the Collection is open, false otherwise.
XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.


public void close()
           throws XMLDBException
Releases all resources consumed by the Collection. The close method must always be called when use of a Collection is complete. It is not safe to use a Collection after the close method has been called.

XMLDBException - with expected error codes.
ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR for any vendor specific errors that occur.


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